Samstag, März 03, 2007

Novelty Seeking

Das hier habe ich gerade ueber mich gelernt, als ich mich mit Barbara ueber mein Beziehungs-Luxusproblem unterhalten habe:

Individuals high in Novelty Seeking are quick-tempered, curious, easily bored, impulsive, extravagant, and disorderly. Adaptive advantages of high Novelty Seeking are enthusiastic exploration of new and unfamiliar stimuli, potentially leading to originality, discoveries, and reward. The disadvantages are frequent and easy boredom, excessive impulsivity and angry outbursts, potential fickleness in relationships, and impressionism in efforts.

The person high in novelty seeking is impulsive and exploratory, and eager to take up new interests, but neglects details and quickly becomes distracted and bored. In contrast, the person low in novelty seeking is slow to make decisions, focuses on details, is frugal, orderly and slow tempered.

Ist vielleicht nicht alles komplett zutreffend, aber die generelle Richtung stimmt schon... Ganz spannend, oder? Da trifft das Ueberangebot an netten Menschen hier natuerlich genau den Falschen. ;-)

P.S. "fickleness" - schoenes Wort, oder? :-)

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